Cryptocurrency vs Token: What’s the Difference?

Cryptocurrency  vs Token are similar. They both represent a digital asset that is used as a form of payment on various platforms.

Cryptocurrencies tend to be more universal and can be used as a form of payment on multiple platforms, such as for trading purposes at cryptocurrency exchanges. Tokens, on the other hand, are more specific and designed for certain use cases; for example, they can be used to play games on certain gaming platforms.

We’ve created this guide to help you understand the difference between cryptocurrencies and tokens and how they work. You may find you identify with one or both of these forms of payment, which is why we hope this article will answer any questions you have about them.


Cryptocurrency vs Token: What Are Tokens?

A token is a digital asset, which is the same thing as a cryptocurrency. A token can be an ERC20 token, meaning that it’s built on the Ethereum network.

Typically, tokens are more limited in scope than cryptocurrencies; they’re used to make certain products or services available on certain platforms.

Cryptocurrency vs Token: What Are Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that can be used as payment on various platforms.

Tokens, on the other hand, are more specific and designed for certain use cases; they can be used to play games on certain gaming platforms (such as Steam).

In this article, we’ll explain what each of these types of digital assets are and why you might want to consider using them in your business.


Cryptocurrency vs Token: How do they work?

Cryptocurrency vs Token are similar when it comes to how they work. They both represent digital assets—like stocks, real estate, and cryptocurrencies—that are used as a form of payment on various platforms.

Cryptocurrencies tend to be more universal than tokens, because they can be exchanged for anything that’s worth money, including digital assets like Bitcoin. Tokens, on the other hand, are more specific and designed for certain use cases; for example, they can be used to play games on certain gaming platforms.

Tokens are traded in exchange for cryptocurrency. Because the value of a token is determined by its utility (the reason why people buy them), its value will increase or decrease based on market conditions; even if the overall cryptocurrency market crashes over a short period of time, many tokens will still retain their value because their utility is just as important as their price.

Cryptocurrency vs Token: Token Use Cases

Cryptocurrencies are used as payment methods at cryptocurrency exchanges, which offer a cost-effective alternative to fiat currency. These exchanges typically take place through online platforms such as Bittrex or Poloniex, where users can buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

Tokens are more specific to certain use cases and can be used on certain platforms. For example, a token can be purchased on various gaming platforms that cater to different demographics than the platform where you purchase your cryptocurrency.

The main difference between these two types of digital assets is what they represent: Tokens represent a digital asset that is owned by their creators; cryptocurrencies are not owned by anyone and can be used to pay for goods and services that are accessed through the internet.

Cryptocurrency vs Token: Gaming

Cryptocurrency and gaming are similar in that they both represent digital assets, but a cryptocurrency is more universal than a token. Gaming platforms, such as Steam and Origin, have already built-in cryptocurrency payment systems that can be used for purchasing in-game currency. These payment systems are the easiest to use for consumers because no additional steps are required to make your purchase or game purchase complete.

On the other hand, tokens typically require an account with a cryptocurrency exchange before you can use them. This is why it’s not always easy to find a way to use your new token purchase on any platform.

Stock Trading

Purchasing stocks or other assets through the stock market is a common form of digital payment. You use spreadsheets and accounts, like a broker, to buy and sell, and you pay for these online transactions using “fiat” currencies such as dollars, pounds, euros and yen.

The easiest way to understand why this works is by looking at the process of buying an asset: A buyer first buys a piece of stock from an exchange (like the New York Stock Exchange) which then buys another piece from that same exchange. Before it can be sold on that exchange, the seller must deposit their cash into the account of the person who bought them. At this point, they have to wait for that cash to arrive on those specific platforms (the exchanges). Once it arrives on those platforms and is deposited into their account, it’s called “open trade,” which means both parties are ready to complete the transaction.

This isn’t how most people think of digital payments though; instead of buying something with cash or having someone else deposit money into your account in advance before you can buy it, digital payments are more like what happens when you make a purchase through your bank account. Paying with cryptocurrency or tokens is similar but involves.



Crowdfunding is an emerging method of funding that allows you to sell your products and services directly to your target audience, bypassing traditional finance industry gatekeepers. Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe let you sell your ideas and products, create a page dedicated to your campaign on those sites, and then have people invest in you in exchange for a percentage of the profits after the campaign has ended.

Also known as “crowd-funding” or “crowd-sourcing,” crowdfunding is a popular form of fundraising that focuses on raising money from an audience rather than from just a single authority figure or organization. This is often done through online platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo and GoFundMe.

Cryptocurrency Use Cases

Cryptocurrency vs Token user cases: Cryptocurrency can be used for many different purposes, some of which we’ll explore in this guide. However, cryptocurrency use cases are typically more specific, and the majority of cryptocurrencies are primarily focused on digital payments.

If you’re trying to buy a house or make a major purchase, you might want to consider using cryptocurrency as the form of payment.

For example, if you wanted to pay with a cryptocurrency at an online car dealership or online travel agent and they offered you discounts based on your purchase in that currency, that would be an effective way to increase conversions and decrease conversion costs.


Cryptocurrency vs Token regarding trading is similar to buying an asset, like stocks or bonds. You buy an asset, put it in your portfolio and hope for the best. If you have a good year, the value of your assets increases. However, if everything goes bad, the value can quickly decline.

That’s because you have no control over what happens with the underlying asset—it can rise or fall in value. If you bought a stock that was going down in price frequently and it performed poorly when compared to the broader market, there is little chance that your portfolio would be heading for a big gain when the market was doing well. On the other hand, if you purchased an exchange-traded fund (ETF), which holds many different kinds of assets such as currencies and stocks, then you’re much more likely to have a successful investment experience.


Cryptocurrency vs Token regarding to payments: Cryptocurrency – A digital asset that can be used as a form of payment on multiple platforms. Tokens – Specific, designed for certain use cases. Read more here.


Cryptocurrencies, tokens and blockchain technology have become a hot topic in the tech industry. But how do they work? What’s the difference between tokens and cryptocurrencies? What are the use cases for them? And what are the benefits of implementing these technologies in our daily lives? Learn all about it in this easy-to-understand article!

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