Medicare Plan G Pros And Cons And What You Need To Know This Type Of Insurance

In today’s article we will be talking about what Medicare plan G is and also the pros and cons of Medicare plan g, we will also be letting us know everything we need to know about Medicare plan g, what this type of insurance covers, and a lot more.

We all know that the most well-known Medicare supplement as of 2020 is plan F, but now insurers no longer offer plan F to their customers because it’s closing its doors soon, if you by any chance still have plan F not to worry you can still keep it, but now we now have the most comprehensive supplement which is the plan G and we will be a discussion on what you need to know about this plan G.

What Is Medicare Supplement Plan G?

A Medicare plan G is always offered by a private insurance company and also supplements the federal Medicare programmed to cover services, If you want to sign up for the Original Medicare, you have to go through the (SSO) Social Security Office, and if you need to purchase a Medicare supplement plan one has to purchase it from a licensed insurance agent. Medicare plan G differs from one Insurer to another but one thing is certain they must all follow the normal guidelines which were set up by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Medicare plan G is only for those who have already registered for Part A and Part B and they want additional coverage to their plan, so if you have not been enrolled in any of the Parts that have been mentioned plan G will be unavailable for you.

Medicare Plan G Pros And Cons

Medicare plan G has pros and cons, we will be giving them out so we can all know what we are purchasing, here are the pros and cons of Medicare plan G;

Pros For Medicare Plan G

  • If you are a new recipient, Plan G is the most extensive coverage you can purchase to cover up the gaps in the Original Medicare.
  • When you purchase your Plan G policy newly, you can never be denied coverage for what so ever reason it might be.
  • The Medicare cost that Plan G will not cover is the deductible of Part B.
  • There is no specific network provider to use, one can use any approved Medicare provider around.
  • If you need to see a specialist, you need to worry about a referral from your primary physician.
  • You do not need prior approval before you can receive approved Medicare services
  • You can use your Medicare plan G policy anywhere you go, even if you travel outside the country.
  • This Plan G can give you emergency coverage for foreign travel if necessary and still pay 80% of the medical emergency cost.

Cons For Medicare Plan G

  • Plan G does not cover Part B deductible, so that is why they don’t offer the first dollar coverage unlike that of Plan F.
  • Plan G policy may not be cheap in every area
  • You need to purchase additional coverage to get routine dental care and prescription drug coverage because Plan G does not give additional coverage for free.
  • The annual deductible can be very risky for people most times.
  • Plan G policy can be too much coverage for a person in good shape for a longer period of time.
  • Many doctors that accept Plan G do not accept new patients.
  • The Plan G premiums get higher every year, the increase rate can be between 6% to 9% annually.

What Does Plan G Cover?

It is very important for you to know what your insurance policy covers so as to know how to go about it, here are what Medicare Plan G covers;

  • Plan G policy can cover your doctor’s visit.
  • Hospital bills may include facility care.
  • The supplies for diabetes care can also be covered.
  • Your cancer treatment can also be part of your coverage in the policy
  • As a recipient of Plan G, this policy can be covered for blood if need immediately
  • They can also cover all your laboratory works which includes; tests, and X-tray.
  • Plan G can also cover up for an ambulance if needed
  • This policy can also cover one surgery
  • They can be covered by a piece of strong and sound medical equipment.

Is Plan G The Best?

We have other Medicare plans that can also be very good insurance policies, but for us that may be asking ourselves if Plan G is the best out of all the plans, YES Plan G is the best because when we talk about the Medicare supplement they are the ‘Best’ they are with the most coverage plan.


In summary, we all now understand what a Medicare Plan G is and its pros and cons, Medicare Plan G can cover a lot of things that are medically associated with their customers, but Note that Plan G will be unavailable for People who have not to Purchase Part A and Part B. We also have other plans that you can also try to purchase just in case you want to try other insurance policies.

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