A Comprehensive Guide On Snapchat for Business

Snapchat for Business: It is a known fact that Snapchat has grown into one of the most popular social media platforms. It combines the best features of Facebook, Instagram, and texting into one neat package. The app mimics the way we communicate in real life–not just by being fun, but also by making us feel more connected to people. Nowadays, you can find all kinds of brands on Snapchat: from clothing stores to movie franchises to food companies. If you’re looking for a way to stay engaged and active with your customers and fans and want to use a platform that they’re already using, then read on.


Getting Started On Snapchat

If you’re unsure if Snapchat is the platform for you, here are some indicators to help you decide.

– 41% of Snapchat users are 18-24 years old

– 31% of Snapchat users are 25-34 years old

– 16% of Snapchat users are 35 or older

So if your audience is a large percentage of young people, then it could be worth exploring. If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend following these brands on Snapchat:

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Royal Wedding




The Oscars and Emmys

Oscar De La Hoya.


The Best Brands On Snapchat For Business

Avon: Follow the iconic brand on Snapchat to stay in touch with its customers and be a part of their lives.

Starbucks: Listen to what your customers want by following this popular coffee company on Snapchat!

Nike: This powerhouse in the world of sports is always innovating and staying ahead with new products, so follow them to see what’s new.

P&G: The Proctor & Gamble Corporation is one of the most successful brands in the world, so follow it on Snapchat to learn more about its latest innovations.

McDonalds: Follow this global fast food company for all things McDonalds! From burgers and fries, to happy meals and super-sized drinks, you’ll find it all here.

Brands You Should Follow On Snapchat For Business

Marriott: Marriott is a popular hotel chain with over 6,000 hotels worldwide.

Lyft: Lyft is an on-demand transportation service that’s been around since 2012

Starbucks: Starbucks has more than 28,000 locations worldwide.

Nike: Nike is a brand that’s synonymous with fitness and athletic wear.

Gatorade: Gatorade is a sports drink you can find in some of the best athletes’ hands.

Kendall Jenner: Kendall Jenner is one of the most successful models in the world. She’s also quite active on Snapchat–and so should you!


How To Create The Perfect Snap Story

Choosing a story length is an important part of creating a successful Snapchat experience. It’s also something that every brand should keep in mind as they start to grow their following on the platform. The goal of your story is to create engagement and show your followers what you’re up to in the moment. This means that you’ll want to pick a story length that will allow for spontaneous stories and moments, but not too long for people to get bored.

Here are some tips for how you can choose the perfect length for your Snapchat Stories:

1) Analyze your audience: Some brands might have a lot of followers, so it might be easy for them to pick a longer length. If you’re just beginning or don’t have many followers yet, it might be better to stick with shorter lengths so that you aren’t losing any potential followers!

2) Consider the types of content: Some brands might want short, casual stories about fun stuff going on in their lives. Others might want longer, more informational type stories that give people insight into their day-to-day life and business operations.

3) Just experiment! There’s no wrong answer when it comes to choosing a story length–it all just depends on what kind of content.

These are just 3 tips out of many ways to use snapchat for business effectively.

Why You Should Use Snapchat For Business

Snapchat is a popular social media app with over 100 million daily active users. It’s the fifth most used social media platform and one of the fastest growing ones on the market.

If you’re looking for a way to stay connected with your audience, follow these brands on Snapchat!

  1. Nike

Nike is a company that has been around for decades and has many loyal fans who have supported them since their beginning. The Nike logo has become synonymous with athletic performance, so follow Nike for some insider info about their latest and greatest products.

  1. Chipotle

Chipotle is known for its fresh ingredients and all natural food, so following them may be just what your business needs to get more customers. Plus, they’re always coming out with new promotions so checking in with them regularly will keep you up to date on all of those great deals!

  1. Starbucks

Starbucks has grown into one of the most popular brands in America because they know how to provide a quality product at an affordable price. They offer good customer service and always keep us guessing by bringing in new products every few months or so (ahem… Frappucinos). Follow Starbucks so you can stay updated on all their amazing news!

Here Is The Link To SnapChat Official Site> SnapChat


Conclusion On Snapchat For Business

To be able to know how important snapchat for business is, it is imperative to know that Snapchat is a great tool for marketing and customer engagement, but it’s not a one-stop shop for every business. Start by understanding the platform, its benefits, and what its limitations are to determine if it’s right for you. If so, make sure you’re following the right brands, taking advantage of the right features, and getting your snaps right.


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